Cheryl Whiting

Freelance Trainer & Author

Business: Freelance Trainer & Author
Sector: Coaching & Training


About Cheryl Whiting

My business activities are focused towards promoting my book Professionalism Matters and delivering training which maximises the professional potential of others. 

As an experienced and well-credential educator, I use my extensive teaching skills, to raise awareness of the significance of the key issues that matter most when it comes to achieving client satisfaction, maintaining standards, building a positive reputation, and sustaining a professional culture within the workplace. I support individuals, teams, and employers to avoid complacency by adopting good practices that bring about personal development and professional excellence, inspiring participants to deliver a quality service that exceeds clients’ expectations time and time again. 

Because team leaders and mentors have a long-lasting positive influence on building and maintaining professional cultures, I provide coaching for those with training and development roles wishing to progress professional development initiatives that improve performance and levels of professionalism. Flexible in my approach, I broadly focus on strategies to nurture professionalism alongside effective ways to model best practices and encourage professional excellence in others.


Active in the Following TOP Clubs

Territory: Gloucestershire East
Town: Tewkesbury
Venue: The Roses Theatre (Tewkesbury)
Frequency: Fortnightly
Next Meeting: February 14, 2025