Jake Meredith

Howden Group Holdings Ltd

Business: Howden Group Holdings Ltd
Sector: Insurance Broker


About Jake Meredith

The People First insurance group Howden began in 1994, as just three people and a dog. Now there are 15,000 of us, and we’re a leading global insurance group, managing $35bn+ of premiums for our clients. We’ve grown by consistently challenging the status quo. Something that comes naturally to us, as an employee-owned business. Employee ownership has created a culture where we’re driven to think bigger and empowered to challenge convention. We’re not afraid to break new ground when it comes to creating the best solutions for our clients. The principle of employee ownership has been rooted at the heart of Howden since we were founded in 1994. Our vision was to create a workplace where people are consistently inspired to do their very best for the business, our clients and, vitally, for each other. Our largest shareholder group is us – the people who work in the business – supported by three long-term, minority growth-equity partners who share our vision to build a business to last, one that will never be sold. But taking ownership isn’t the preserve of a shareholder. The owner’s mindset is something that’s embedded in our culture; our people readily take ownership of their decisions, their actions, and their outputs. They’re invested in every sense. And we all know that by working together to drive the business forward, everyone will benefit from the extraordinary results we can achieve.

Active in the Following TOP Clubs

Territory: Worcester South
Town: Broadway
Venue: Broadway Golf Club
Frequency: Fortnightly
Next Meeting: February 13, 2025